Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment

Chapter 4 of MKTG: Principles of Marketing focuses on the The Marketing Environment of companies.

Foot Locker's Target Market are usually young men and women, ages 12-20, who are preferably athletic. Foot locker supplies athletic apparel and footwear for men and athletic footwear for women. Foot locker has put in place a 2 to 5 year plan that will expand their stores and provide even better customer service for the people. This company proves different from others because they provide a large diverse amount of brands, including Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour. Also, Foot locker's inventory tends to exceed any other stores, making customers come to Foot locker because they know what they are looking for is most likely there. By 2016, Foot locker, INC. action plans include target earnings to be 7 percent of sales, they also want to raise sales by square foot. These goals came about when the company already reached most of their goals from their 5-year plan in 2010. Foot locker's main focus is to keep the customers happy and to stay apart of the Fortune 500, that is by setting higher goals for themselves every time they've accomplished one goal.

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